Supporting Children with Autism

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Companion and childThe Family Enrichment Weekend creates a supportive environment for the child with autism. Each child is paired with a one-on-one companion and all activities are planned to include children with autism.  The companions are an Essential Element of the Family Enrichment Weekend (see Part 2: Essential Elements).   Even though all the activities are designed to be inclusive, children are always provided with a choice of participating in the scheduled activity or selecting a more desirable activity.  All staff members at the Family Enrichment Weekend help the children with their choices and respond to the communicative intent of any disruptive behavior. Information about each child is collected prior to the Family Enrichment Weekend and the child’s companion meets with the parents throughout the day to discuss the needs of the child and participate with the family in all family activities.  Professionals are available in all the children’s groups to assist the companions in understanding the communicative intent of any behaviors.